Friday, January 07, 2005

from him to her

just to say something that will resonate
in your heart
of your whole being

so that you will come to know nothing
but this
so you will finally know that you are love
that have always been love
and will always be love

and all the searching and wanting
all the desires
and the longing that is always

is in fact
your heart
your heart is singing

I can feel it
deeper than any sound
because it resonates in my heart as well
for they are the same

I can see and feel it rather plainly
as I'm sure some others do

but we all feel so goddamn lost and shy
like we don't fit or belong
so we pretend and try to fit

instead of having the guts
to call out all the bullshit
and openly live

I need you
or more simply
I need your singing heart
it keeps me honest
it gives me the guts

to cut through all the BS
not just the worlds
but yours and mine

so we can meet in this heart
and be destroyed and reborn
again and again
as love

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Weekly youtube GEM!

Sluggo + Alan Watts + old hawaiian music = Joy!