Thursday, December 07, 2006

.... Mad ramblin's of the truck stop drifter

Hot Karl ate the candy that I had hidden in the icebox. I had no proof, but yet somehow I knew this truth in my very bones. This fact was an inseparable part of my existence. I did not want it to be thusly, but yet there it was… like a panic attack in a traffic jam, there was no way out of or around it.

I would have to confront him or suffer the continual loss of the only thing that I held dear and true in this mad mad world gone wrong.

Every night I awoke in a cold sweat. Out of lucid dreams were I was forced to watch as Hot Karl nibbled his way more and more into my life. He ate my hidden candy. Bought his way into the most intimate ways and imaginations of my very being… with Reese’s Pieces and Milk Duds.

That Fucking Son of a Bitch!!!!!

He would not rest or stop until he had devoured my whole existence. That mad ravenous loon! Oh if I could only stop him!! If only I had my old voice back. Perhaps he would listen to my #1 rap hits and take a brief respite, but he would not, nor would he ever let up. He ripped me open and I fell outta my wrapper, naked into his calloused hands from the word go. From my very birth and until my impending death I was being hunted.

This all went on maddeningly so until one day while sampling different varieties of jam, I realized that it had been completed. Hot Karl had eaten me all.

It was done.

He had finally devoured every last bit.

I sat quiet and looking – waiting for quite some time. But nothing happened. All had ceased.

That which was Hot Karl and that what was me had merged or perhaps you could say that in the devouring, that we were in fact the same, was revealed unto me.

Everything has been quite peaceful ever since. And now I wander about watching others run about and amuck. Running from Hot Karl. Running from the devourer.

I sit and laugh and sure some think its rude… but they’ll see. I have a knife and a fork in my pocket… I’ll show them... I will run them down and corner them.

I will eat their very fear. Showing them how good it is… there is nothing to be afraid of… We will have a communion and it will be revealed onto them as well, that we are indeed all one flesh!

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