Wednesday, September 14, 2005

now look here

Somebody said something one time
and it was really beautiful.
Somebody said something one time
and it was really ugly.
Somebody said something one time
and it made you cry.
Somebody said something one time
and you were glowing for hours...

God spoke and the word became flesh.

what happened next the pope couldn't condone.

Someone said something one time
and your mother died.
Someone said something one time
and the parking meter ran outta money.

"Life is a boundless mystery..."
said a lizard, thoughtfully smoking a pipe

everybody knows that you may already be a winner
but I know
that your already dead

I went to the funeral
and everyone was being picked off
as if by a sniper
one by one
of course the authorities showed up
but they never found,

oh sure there were clues!
tantalizingly & delicious clues!

but the prime suspect turned out to be
a 8yr old little girl
and her alibi's were ROCK SOLID!

an entire petting zoo and about 6 million years of anticipation.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Born to be practical :(

I was just informed by the television that women will have sex with a man who owns and drives a Harley Davidson motorcycle! Thing is, I really like sex, but I don't like motorcycles. So I'm not sure how to proceed... Perhaps I shall watch some more of this TV and wait for some more advice and perhaps it will reveal a more practical option. Hopefully one that is inexpensive and safe. But I guess that's the allure of a pricey motorcycle... Expensive danger! hmmmm...
Who knows? Maybe someday the ladies will really be into whimsical mystics who drive economical used cars...
A drunk kitten can always dream!

Weekly youtube GEM!

Sluggo + Alan Watts + old hawaiian music = Joy!