Friday, September 14, 2007

and Just one more thing...

I feel for the religious folks…

perhaps God is larger than you know?

and I feel for the atheist

maybe life is more than you could possibly imagine?

I fall in between all these things

Dripping or pouring.

And I enjoy finding myself in the anger and strife

In the impossible predicament

That comes around, just so

Just so poignant that I could never...

Until I aint

Until it is

Free and wildly wanderin’ about

I am the religious folk

I am the atheist

I wildly vacillate like the weather and wind

I contently want more and I can do nothing

but laugh at the loss

marvel at the gift

The loss and the gain

Mystery in its nuance


Like a heckler at a funeral

a dog licking a mortal wound

Like an ice cold beer that tastes like your first


Its yer first and last everything

This moment

This coffee table zen BS

The rusty old life

Alive and crakling

Damp and forlorn

Yeah rip me off a piece of that

Bring it up here so’s I can chew it

chew on it and remember

So I can chew it and know.

Its pouring

Outside and in

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

anything is never forever

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