I am waiting for more money
I am waiting to get in shape
I am waiting for my vacation
I am waiting for everything to become clear
I am waiting for her
to show and save me
I am waiting for love
waiting is tremendous suffering
waiting for how I think and feel things should be
waiting for just the right moment
waiting for the miracle
waiting for an e-mail
waiting for the call
waiting for the TV show to start
waiting to live
I don't know much
but I am tired of waiting
I am at the train station
and the trains don't stop
they keep passing me by
it’s getting cold and dark
and soon everything will be closed
a few old stragglers gather their things
to leave
I see a friend walking away across the street
I shout - but they disappear into the darkness
A beautiful woman in black fur begins to cry
she is on the other side of the platform
alone except for a few suitcases
she glances at me
with a small helpless smile
and it as if an arrow shatters my heart
she turns and walks away sobbing
I sit helpless and alone
as my blood runs into the ground
it is completely dark
and so very cold
Suddenly the howling wind
is pierced by the trains whistle
and I am the sun
slow motion exploding
a lion breaking forth from my heart
I open my mouth and the ocean is born
I see you and you are the laughter of flowers
then what seems like a million birds alight from my head
singing and boundless
my love when you are closed
let this lightening strike you
let it strike your heart
let it set you free
Weekly youtube GEM!
Sluggo + Alan Watts + old hawaiian music = Joy!